
defeating level 6s with no spirits!?

so the invaders from the previous post decided to ask brandenburg-prussia for help invading the island. they convinced the kingdom to send all of its most efficient troops to the island.

when they got to the island, they found that it was reverted to its state before, with all of the environmental damage they did earlier reverted, and the dahan have moved back to where they were at the beginning. the mosquitoes and the flock of birds have both returned to where they were before. the invaders established a couple of settlements on the island, in the same places they had before, with an extra one on the coast for good measure.

  • start on board d
  • the invaders head for the lush areas of the island first, to start farming and chopping trees so they'll be more prepared for exploring the rest of the island later.
    initial explore jwetlands
  • after farming and chopping trees for a year, the invaders decide to scout out good places on the shores for ports so they can receive overseas support more easily.
    turn 1 build jwetlands, explore coastal
  • sometime next year, sweden, prussia's enemy, decides to attack prussia's colony on this island. the prussians here rally together in a wave of nationalism, but since there are no spirits to help blunt the offensive, sweden gets to wreak havoc on the invaders' biggest settlement.
    turn 2 event is far-off wars, destruction is encouraged, destroying town city in d3 and adding 2 blight (7 fear total)
  • the attack also destroys the environment around that area, making it harder to live in.
    ecosystem damage adds a badlands to d3
  • seeing as this is their chance, the dahan in d5 move down to the coastal jungle to threaten the invaders there.
    return to old pillars gathers d5 dahan to d2
    daunted by the dahan generates 1 fear, and invaders deal 6 less damage to dahan (8 fear total)
  • the invaders conclude that spending more of their efforts trading overseas is safer.
    overseas trade seems safer defends 3 in all coastal lands
  • the dahan in d1 and d2 are angry at the invaders taking their land, and attack.
    ravage jwetlands, dahan counterattacks clear d1 and destroy explorer city in d2 (11 fear total)
  • the invaders feel that their willingness to farm on the island has decreased, as they consume more and more of the island's resources.
    erosion of will flips, generating 2 fear (13 fear total)
  • they still build ports, but the dahan attack means that the invaders have not nearly as many resources as before, so their ports are no longer extensive.
    build coastal
  • the invaders decide to stop wasting time and go into the deserts to look for gold. they feel that they were close enough to finding gold last time that they want to try again. the invaders also try to reclaim some land in d1.
    explore sescalate, escalate in d1
  • the next few years pass by, and the island goes through a long drought. there are no spirits to ease the drought, so the land withers and the plants die.
    turn 3 event is years of little rain, the plants die and the land withers, no blight is added, invaders and dahan have 1 less health
  • the birds in d3 are dying of thirst, and in their last breaths, attack the invaders in d3 trying to find water, but to no avail.
    beasts attack wipes d3, the beast is removed (14 fear total)
  • the dahan know where to get water, and are making sure that the invaders don't get to it
    canny defense defends 1 per dahan
  • the explorer in d4 is feeling alone, and is too thirsty to continue exploring
    isolation removes the explorer from d4
  • the invaders scour the coasts for water, and destroy a dahan village, but don't find it and die from thirst and dahan retaliation
    ravage coastal, 1 dahan in d2 dies, dahan counterattacks wipe d1 and d2 (16 fear total)
  • despite being in a very dry place, the invaders somehow build up their settlement in d7
    build sands, adding a city in d7
  • the invaders go back to the wetlands to try and find more water. they try a third time to reclaim some land in d1.
    explore wescalate, escalate in d1
  • the invaders realize that the dahan are a pretty big problem, and try to conscript some to help them colonize the island. however, the current groups of dahan that are easily convertible are too big, so that fails.
    turn 4 event is cultural assim, the top part fails
  • the dahan are angry that the invaders would try to convert them, and attack the invaders themselves without paying attention to the environment.
    reckless offensive destroys town city in d7 and adds a blight (19 fear total)
  • people in the inland town are upset at receiving low wages, so they form a strike and tear the town apart.
    angry mobs replaces the d6 town with 2 explorers, generating 1 fear (20 fear total, reaching terror 2)
  • the town in d1 decide that it is safer for them to learn from the dahan, and adopt their lifestyle. they give up all of their allegiance to prussia.
    mimic the dahan replaces the d1 town with a dahan
  • the invaders have lost all settlements on the island, and their morale is not strong enough to continue colonizing the island. the surviving explorers all leave the island and go back to prussia.
    terror 2 victory!

these invaders try this again with 4 other countries, and none of them succeeded. one country even tried two different tactics, and both resulted in failures.

i don't feel like writing approximately the same story 5 more times, so i'll just give the game details below. they all start on board d.

  • initial explore mountains, france 6 into d2
  • turn 1 build mountains, explore sands, france 6 into d6
  • turn 2 far-off wars, destroy town city in d8, add 2 blight to d8, add badlands to d5, gather d5 dahan to d2 (7 fear total)
  • distracted by local troubles destroys town in d5 (8 fear total)
  • retreat pushes both d4 explorers to d2
  • ravage mountains, build sands, explore wetlands, france 6 into d4
  • turn 3 cultural assim fails to replace dahan, beasts attack wipes d3, reckless offensive destroys town city in d7, adds a blight (11 fear total)
  • blight card flips into erosion of will, generating 2 fear (13 fear total)
  • nerves fray adds strife to d2 city
  • ravage sands, build wetlands, triangle trade to d2, explore coastal lands, france 6 into d7
  • turn 4 slave rebellion, add the strife to d1 town, destroy d1 town, 2 damage to d2 city (14 fear total)
  • years of little rain, d2 city dies, beasts attack wipes d3 (16 fear total)
  • daunted by the dahan generates 1 fear (17 fear total)
  • ravage wetlands wipes d1 (19 fear total)
  • build coastal, d1 and d3 are empty, d2 has disease
  • explore jescalate, blight d2, france 6 into d1
  • turn 5 terror spikes upwards, generate 1 fear (20 fear total), push 1 dahan from d1 to d2
  • mimic the dahan replaces d2 town with dahan
  • terror 2 victory!
  • initial explore sands
  • turn 1 build sands, gather d8 town into d7, d2 town into d4
  • explore wetlands
  • turn 2 far-off wars destroys 2 towns in d7, adds 2 blight + badlands in d7, gather d5 dahan to d2 (6 fear total)
  • daunted by the dahan generates 1 fear (7 fear total)
  • ravage sands, wiping d7, cascade d7 to d1 (9 fear total)
  • border between life and death flips
  • a pall upon the land flips, remove a town from d4
  • build wetlands, gather d4 town into d3
  • explore jescalate, the island has 5 blight so no escalation, d6 is cut off
  • turn 3 years of little rain, invaders and dahan have 1 less health , beasts attack deals 1 damage to each town in d3, defend 2 in d1 (9 fear total)
  • dahan reclaim fishing grounds destroys d2 city (11 fear total)
  • ravage wetlands, destroying 1 dahan and wiping d1, adding a blight in d3 and destroying both towns there (14 fear total)
  • build jungles, no towns to gather, explore mescalate, the island has 5 blight so no escalation
  • turn 4 many different events work, let's say mapmakers chart the wild, destroy the d3 explorer, add a dahan to d2
  • isolation removes d4 explorer
  • ravage jungles, destroy the d2 explorer
  • terror 1 victory!
  • initial explore sands
  • turn 1 build sands, explore jungles
  • turn 2 far-off wars, destroy town city in d7, add 2 blight to d7, add badlands to d5, gather d5 dahan to d2 (7 fear)
  • isolation removes explorer from d5
  • ravage sands, cascade d7 to d6, kick d7 explore to d8 (8 fear total)
  • flip strong earth, add blight to d1
  • flip border between life and death
  • flip unnatural proliferation, add 2 cities and 1 dahan to d2
  • build jungles, explore wetlands
  • turn 3 cultural assim misses, beasts attack destroys d8 explorer, kicks d8 explorer to d1, kicks d3 explorer to d4, reckless offensive destroys 3 cities in d2, adds a blight in d2 (16 fear total)
  • russia 5 bomb flips coastal
  • dahan reclaim fishing grounds destroys d1 explorer, kicks d1 explorer to d5 (17 fear total)
  • plan for departure gathers d4 town to d2
  • dahan on their guard defends 3 in d2
  • ravage jungles, kick d2 explorer to d5 (19 fear total)
  • afterravage adds explorer town to d5
  • build wetlands, build coastal
  • explore wescalate, 1 explorer in d3 and 1 in d8
  • turn 4 terror spikes upwards, generate 1 fear, destroy d5 badlands, kick d5 explorer to d7, push 1 dahan from d2 to d3 (21 fear total)
  • overseas trade seems safer defends 3 in all coastal lands
  • ravage wetlands, kick d1 explorer to d2, kick d3 explorer to d2, destroy d3 explorer (23 fear total)
  • ravage coastal, kick d2 explorer to d5, destroy d2 explorer (24 fear total, reaching terror 2)
  • afterravage adds explorer town to d5
  • build wetlands
  • explore mwetlands
  • turn 5 remnants of a spirit's heart does nothing
  • angry mobs destroys the last 2 towns in d5
  • terror 2 victory!
  • initial explore wetlands
  • turn 1 build wetlands, explore jungles
  • turn 2 far-off wars, destroy town city in d2, add 2 blight + badlands in d2, gather d5 dahan to d2 (7 fear total)
  • isolation removes d6 explorer
  • ravage wetlands, destroy 1 dahan and 1 town in d1 (8 fear total)
  • flip strong earth, add blight to d4
  • flip border between life and death
  • flip a pall upon the land, remove d7 town
  • no inland wetlands for afterravage
  • build jungles, explore jescalate into d2
  • turn 3 years of little rain, invaders have 1 less health, beasts attack wipes d3 but removes the beast, defend 2 in d2 (9 fear total)
  • dahan reclaim fishing grounds destroys town city in d2 (12 fear total)
  • dahan attack removes d1 explorer
  • ravage jungles, d2 town dies
  • terror 1 victory!
  • initial explore sands
  • turn 1 build sands, mining boom d7, explore wetlands
  • turn 2 far-off wars, destroy town town city in d7, add 2 blight + badlands in d7, gather d5 dahan to d2 (8 fear total)
  • flip border between life and death
  • retreat pushes 2 explorers from d4 to d2
  • daunted by the dahan generates 1 fear (9 fear total)
  • ravage sands wipes d7 after blighting (11 fear total)
  • flip unnatural proliferation, add 1 dahan + 2 cities in d2
  • build wetlands, mining boom d3
  • explore jungles
  • turn 3 cultural assim fails to replace dahan, beasts attack destroys 1 town in d3 but removes the beast, reckless offensive destroys 3 cities in d2 (18 fear total)
  • angry mobs replaces d3 town with 2 explorers, generates 1 fear (19 fear total)
  • overseas trade seems safer defends 3 in all coastal lands
  • ravage wetlands wipes d1 (20 fear total, reaching terror 2)
  • terror 2 victory!

(i haven't yet found a way to defeat england or sweden 6)

base difficulty <-